Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Restroom: Feminine Hygiene Products as published in Housekeeping Solutions

Hat's off to Housekeeping Solutions and author Kassandra Kania to openly discuss FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCTS AND DISPOSAL in April's Digital Edition of Housekeepi​ng Solutions!

"Feminine hygiene products typically receive little attention in the industry. Embarrassment and lack of knowledge are often at the center of a male-dominated custodial staff's reluctance to discuss this category."

In regard to the section on Hazards of Handling there are significant problems with the commonly used waxed paper liner bags. OSHA expects the receptacles to be lined to protect the cleaning staff from coming in direct contact with soiled feminine care products. As cited in the article, these liners do not hold their form and discarded waste piles up outside of the bag. Thus, cleaning staff must reach their hands into the receptacle to remove the waste.

Thank you to Darrel Hicks with St Luke's Hospital for discussing an improved specially designed scented poly liner bag that provide housekeeping staff with features and benefits to make removal safe, efficient and hygienic.


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